Cancer Crab Moon

New Moon, June 2022

~ It was a black sky in June

And a crab came slowly wandering by

And said “Where is the moon?” ~

We may not be able to see the moon, but we can feel it! It is there, it’s just in shadow! 

The new moon in Cancer marks the first moon after Summer Solstice! When we are adjusting to the more summery vibrations, rain or shine! There is a greater relaxation dawning on us, and fun magical energy around 🌞

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Sagittarius Super Full Moon, 14th June 2022

Sagittarius Rose Super Moon

Around the corner is the Super Full Moon in Sagittarius. This is the Strawberry moon, also known as the Honey or Rose moon! This is the second of four moons that are really big and therefore powerful, and the first of two technically super moons, July’s being the biggest! 

This is the first full moon since the lunar eclipse. You may still be working through some changes that happened a month ago, though on a less intense level perhaps, I know I am! An eclipse can create ripples for a while as they do create change, and not all change occurs overnight. 

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June 2022 ~ The Month Ahead

I started getting some guidance to map out the month ahead in terms of the moon, other celestial events and astrological moments to pinpoint. I wanted to share this with you here!
I’ve listed the moon’s movement through the star signs in case anyone, like me, would like to track the moon’s influence on their own personal star sign. I’ve noticed big differences in my energies based on which star sign the moon moves through across the month, not just at new and full moons.

More information will come on the new and full moon moments and healing for June! But here are some dates that might interest you.

June 2022

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Gemini New Moon, 30th May

I have been writing my guidance for the moon again! ✨🌑✨

Well there was definitely a sting in the tail of the Scorpio lunar eclipse two weeks ago which many experienced! I hope since then you have been able to repair and let the ripples wash away, and find new strength and enlightenment as a result! If you are needing help working through changes that suddenly occurred for you, and wondering about guidance for your steps now, please let me know. I’d love to help ⭐

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Total lunar eclipse, full moon 16th May 2022

I have been writing for the moon again ✨🌕✨ and you may have felt this one coming ❤
Look out for the sting! There’s a mighty Scorpion on the loose!

Now I say this with love especially for the Scorpios among us. I recently realised the huge importance of my moon sign being Scorpio in terms of it being one of the most empathic of star signs. This explains a lot lol. This is the aspect of Scorpio I especially relate to.

But this Scorpio full moon is different to the others. It has a bigger potential sting in its tail as it is also a mega moon in a number of ways. It is a total lunar eclispe, blood moon, so you may see the total eclipse turn the moon red! Now is it a Super moon too? Some are saying we have four Super moons together starting in May, others say that only June and July are technically super moons. Either way, this should be fun lol! Also don’t forget it’s still Mercury Retrograde. And we have Friday 13th adding to the fun in the run up to this moon as well, which some see as lucky and others are really wary. 

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Black moon and solar eclipse 30th April 2022

I have been writing for the moon again and this new moon in Taurus is a special one! It is the second new moon in April, making it a Black Moon, which is unusual!! And it is also a partial solar eclipse too ✨🌑✨

Alongside this there is also Mercury Retrograde in its shadow stage which can be a time for things to get a little chaotic regarding technology, communications and plans, etc.
I have learnt with this eclipse that in a year we generally have 4 eclipses in 2 star signs. This year the lucky star signs are Taurus and Scorpio!

Although we won’t see the eclipse here in the UK, it can be felt energetically and spiritually everywhere. Wherever you are in the world. 

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Full moon 16th April 2022

It is the full Pink moon in Libra this month 🌸🌕🌸 named after beautiful pink wildflowers that blossomed at this time. I can imagine the big, bright full moon with a sea of flowers shining pink across fields in the dark. 

This is a Special Easter moon, over the Easter weekend 🐣 Did you know the date of Easter is based on the first full moon on or after Spring Equinox?

So this full moon lands in what still feels like Early Spring (especially as the temperatures have not been too warm recently, along with snow flurries here!). And the energy is matching this early vibe and still some pulling back to winter. You may still be feeling the ripples (or Waves!) from Spring Equinox. I know I am! This can be a direct swing of the pendulum from one extreme to another, where good and bad things in life collide. The change in seasons can create these instances where really good and really bad happen at the same time, as we leave one season and settle in another! 

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Following the moon in my starsign

For the first year of my moon healing programme I have loved working with various crystals and healing powers and entities to bring global and cosmic healing to individual people and their own unique lives, exploring just how much we are all connected as One but also so dynamically different. There have been ups and downs, some moons having a stark happy and creative effect, super moons that have at times blown us away with their power and strength to help and heal us along our paths, and some complex new moons where sometimes they are magical and protective in the dark, but sometimes needing a lot of protective energy for the forces that occur.

Through the year I also worked deeper with the impact of the moon in certain starsigns and increasingly added research each fortnight into how the moon energies changed with the starsigns.

This led me to be intrigued by what happened if I followed the moon in my starsign outside of the full and dark moon times. This was so exciting, I’m So glad I did this! Here is what I wrote to those I heal in my moon healing programme after this first test:

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~ August 2021 ~

There is something in the Air… This is a special one again, it is a Seasonal Blue Moon, and also the second of two Aquarius full moons in a row! How is it a Blue Moon? It is the third of four full moons in a season, where a season usually just has three.

Because this is the second Aquarius moon it is a do-over of the previous full moon to some extent only with some “second chance” energies and new blue, more intense energies which may give you more drive and encouragement.

If you remember from my previous full moon message (see below, July 2021 full moon), I wrote about how each experience we have has roots in our past experiences, and our ancestors’ experiences, our past lives, etc. With this being the second moon of its kind in a row, this emphasises this element of the moon. It is the same moon repeated but how will it differ, how are we different from a month ago, how different are our experiences and mindset to back then? And what magical energy can be drawn in from this moon time to help where we find ourselves right now?

Continue reading “~ August 2021 ~”

New Moon in Pisces ~ March 2021

What is the secret of being?

What is the original truth?

What is your deep knowledge within of your own personal truth?

Who are you?

What is happening for you?

What makes you tick?

These are all questions of this new moon! And with the two fish Pisces, that truth and knowledge can seem like you have it right there in your hand, you feel it, you sense it, you know it, you have all the answers and then …. Oops .. that little fish has slipped right up out of your hand and back into the water … Splosh.

Continue reading “New Moon in Pisces ~ March 2021”