This full moon marks a year since I started following the moon more closely for me. It started with me wondering what happened if I paid attention to the moon in my star sign Sagittarius when it wasn’t a full or new moon. Would it have an effect? It certainly did!! Working with the moon on a daily basis over the past year has taught me so much more about myself and has helped me understand so many experiences in my life with this added perspective. The more I moon-watch, the more I learn and can bring into my life. More recently I have been paying close attention to the sun star season we are in too and am considering extending my moon healing programme to incorporate the sun, moon and stars. Every cycle we are in affects us in our lives more than we can sometimes be aware of.
This full moon is in Aries at the same time as we are in Libra sun star season. So there is a mix of firey pushing forward at the same time as still the need to remember to stay in balance.
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