Energy Healing | Aura Cleansing |
Energy Clearing | Cord cutting |
Meridian Healings | Reiki |
Tarot Readings | Animal Healing |
Ongoing Protection | Angel healing |
Most popular options
Energy Healing
These are all performed remotely and can be booked online
Affirmation healing | Crystal prescriptions |
Aura healing | Energy Cord Healing |
Chakra Healing | Guided Healing |
Continuous Affirmations | Meridian Healing |
Continuous connecting up | Mini Meridian Healing |
Continuous Grounding | Source Method Healing |
Continuous Healings | Specific Healing |
these links are all getting filled in as we add the pages from the old site
Energy Clearing
These are all performed remotely and can be booked online
What is energy clearing | What are ‘energy clouds’ |
What are ‘entities’ | The darker side of clearing |
What are ‘implants’ | Face your demons |
What are ‘thought forms’ | Groundbreaking discoveries |
How to book a clearing | How to stay protected |
Infinite aura clearing | Waking up to psychic attack |
these links are all getting filled in as we add the pages from the old site
Animal Healing
These are all performed remotely and can be booked online
Healing your animals | Homeopathy and Lara Rabbit |
Me and my animals | Project Headtilt – Join! |
Healing Hopscotch Rabbit | Project Headtilt – Updates |
Healing Lara Rabbit |
these links are all getting filled in as we add the pages from the old site
Feedback and testimonials
Send a payment with paypal
Healing bank
My new Etsy Shop
Free stuff
Healing visuals | Free healing mailing list |
Free animal healing | Invite a friend |
What is healing at distance? | How many people do you send distant healing to? |
How long does it take to receive a distant healing energy? | How can remote healing be accomplished? |
If you are looking for my old site:
Free energy checks, all my old blog posts and articles, Instant Healing, Animal Instant healing etc, can all still be found here
This is my new site
I’m gradually transferring all my content across to a much newer platform which is more secure and easier to maintain. Thank you for your patience. Some bits on the old site were custom written and have not been so easy to port across.
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