If you are looking for a deep, powerful distance healing then meridian healing could be for you.
I find this healing to be very strong in comparison to chakra and subtle body healing, which for some people can sometimes be quite gentle.
In a meridian healing I use crystals to send positive healing energy through your acupuncture meridian points and ensure that energy is flowing freely and correctly through this energy system. After a meridian healing I find that the chakras are spinning and functioning correctly and you are automatically grounded to the earth’s energies, so it has the power to heal other energy systems within us.
Here are some fantastic quotes from my clients – thank you everyone 🙂
Michael from the UK had a “very powerful reaction“:
✨ “It was amazing to be honest – felt like coming alive again!! My mind went into a completely different space after the treatment. Felt completely different in relating to people today. Felt so much more connected to people – like my conscious has been restored. Also at gym could feel strength in right shoulder, whereas it’s just been a dead mass with no feeling. Wish I’d found you years ago!Thanks again so much for what you are doing it is so appreciated.” ✨
Michael A., UK
✨ “Katy has helped both myself and my family with various health related and emotional issues. Stress, anxiety and other physical issues were relieved and I had a great feeling of wellbeing.” ✨
N Pacinello, USA
How can Meridian Healing help me?
Meridian healing can help with a variety of symptoms and ailments. For example, to work through anxiety, depression, to help treat migraines, muscle pains, digestion problems, cold and flu symptoms (especially in their early stages), and many other conditions, acute and chronic.
How quickly can I expect to see results?
Some people feel results immediately, others may notice improvements over time. It can depend on how deep-set the issues are, how intense the problem is and how long you have had symptoms.
Most people experience some form of detox period following a meridian healing. This may be a short period of time (e.g. until you’ve had a night’s sleep), or the detox period could last for approximately three days. Again this can depend on the severity of the issues we are trying to heal. Chronic and acute conditions can equally lead to an intense detoxification, so please be prepared for this before you book, and ensure that you are able to cope with the idea that you may feel worse before you feel better as your body empties out the negative energy as part of its healing process.
How does a Meridian Healing work?
I send meridian healing using distance energy healing. I work with a photo (or just your full name and date of birth if you do not have a picture available) and send healing using crystals, intent and universal healing energy to each of your meridian points throughout your body. This gets the energy flowing correctly through your system, clearing out any negative energy that is currently causing blockages.
Will one healing be enough?
It is ideal to have a series of meridian healings to help retrain your energies to flow correctly, which over time will help you work through chronic conditions, including anxiety and depression.
Even if you are treating an acute condition, e.g. the sudden arrival of cold or flu symptoms, it is wise to have a series of treatments as there could be an underlying issue that needs healing over a longer period of time (e.g. a depleted immune system).
How often should I have a meridian healing?
I suggest to each client that they take their healing speed as it comes – as everybody is different. I would generally leave about a week between meridian healings at the beginning of the course of treatment, though if you would rather we can leave more time between sessions.
Some people process their healing more quickly than others. Some people need time to work through each session energetically. This is why I treat each case individually and discuss the treatment plan at every step of the way with each client.
How much does a meridian healing cost?
Your first healing generally takes longer than your other healing sessions. Therefore you would need to book a ‘First healing session’ at GBP £199.99. This rate covers your healing session (which takes approximately four hours), my detailed assessment of the information discovered from your healing, and a full write-up of my findings which I will email to you as soon as I can following your treatment.
Quite often it’s a good idea to have a follow-up session a week or two later. This follow-up normally involves less work and so costs accordingly less (£99.99).
How can I book my meridian healing?
To book your healing, please use the following links here:
Send a Payment for healing at a particular date and time. Please enter the amount to send.
Instant Healing for healing immediately on making payment. For when you need healing straight away, no matter what time of day or night! Please click £19.99 and select the correct amount from the drop-down menu. (Please note this links to the Instant healing page on my old site)
healing@firebeans.com Email me, Katy, for a PayPal invoice, or if you have any questions.
Please note, you do not need a Paypal account to book, you can check out with your credit/debit card.