I woke up today after a montage of all my most annoying recurring bad dreams! I was not pleased. I asked for guidance on one part that was particularly upsetting me, something that happened earlier this year where I walked away from a bully who had once been a good friend in some ways. Someone I respected a Lot. Part of my dream was about this person and replayed the most painful bits. I was guided I needed to let go of this situation (again – every time I think I’m past this it pops up again in a different way – layers of healing in action).
I tried going over positive thoughts I’ve had before when faced with this difficult memory, for example remembering that I have always done what I feel to be right, knowing I have a path forward that this person wasn’t a part of and couldn’t understand, knowing that by following my heart, my correct path, I will achieve something deeper than I would if I had ignored the circumstances, or ignored my instincts. I also let myself remember the painful reasons why I had to walk away from this person. What they did. So I could heal more on this level and work through the pain rather than bury it. This really helped the memories and dream slip away.
I started to feel better and started to pull my head up from my pillow. And then had this kind of weird out of body experience. I felt by lifting myself up a little I was in a fog of this negativity again! And the version of me still lying with my head on my pillow was still feeling happier. I lay down again and became one with the happier energy me. “Well that was weird, I’ve not had that before!” I thought. I tried it again. Same thing happened! So I realised more healing was needed.
I thought more about my dreams and realised something else in my dream was trying to show me something about my path in life and what type of healing I need to focus on. Then the penny dropped that this would help me get over the bullying memory. Now I tried sitting up, feeling stronger in myself and more sure of my path. I was able to sit up and keep happy, strong, glowing me as me!! Yippee!
But before I was able to get up I was given some more signals from my guides. It was really important today that I live by the moon. My most recent moon healing from my moon healing programme has been for a new moon in Libra with Mercury Retrograde in Libra too! This has been all about Balance. So today for me had to be about balance. I received this message from my guides by thinking about the day ahead and what I really needed to do. Guidance was to not throw myself into one thing at the cost of everything else, instead do a little bit of everything to achieve balance. I liked this idea.
I was also guided that someone I’m close to will need support today. This was worrying as there’s often not much I can do to help them. But the warning was not to do anything particularly just be there.
How did these things play out in my day?
1) I was no longer plagued by those memories of a bully from my dream. I felt strong in my path. So I more easily stayed in touch with happy me today.
2) I did more of the healing I was guided to in my dreams and it definitely helped!
3) I really loved the guidance of balance today and I really stuck by this. It really helped me with a challenging day. It flew by and I achieved a lot of little things which all added up to a great deal when seen as a whole picture. I did well! I even squeezed in a power nap! I love working with the moon!
4) And yes sadly the person I was guided needed support was upset. But I was there for them and that was all they needed.
So overall this day is a great example of spiritual guidance on waking up, healing of deeper layers especially re loss, relationships, bullying and painful recurring memories, dream recall and interpretation, and how to follow the guidance you receive and turn it into reality to make your day a success and to help you feel like happy inspired you!