I have been writing my guidance for the moon again! ✨🌑✨
Well there was definitely a sting in the tail of the Scorpio lunar eclipse two weeks ago which many experienced! I hope since then you have been able to repair and let the ripples wash away, and find new strength and enlightenment as a result! If you are needing help working through changes that suddenly occurred for you, and wondering about guidance for your steps now, please let me know. I’d love to help ⭐
So we are now in Gemini sun star season, and have side-stepped out of eclipse season! But still just about in Mercury Retrograde, so things may still seem to be going a little backwards rather than forwards in some areas. This makes for an interesting new moon in Gemini (in between a run of super full moons). Gemini is ruled by Mercury, so for Mercury to be in retrograde this new moon will bring a little added zap of perhaps some miscommunications and need for clarity and honesty.
There has also been a phase of “losing heroes” I’ve noticed occurring recently. You know if you’ve put someone up on a pedestal and they have fallen? Or if a role model or person in power has shown themselves in a different light lately? You may have taken a step back from giving up your power to others and instead started to focus on your own independence and backing yourself and your dreams. This is the kind of thing that can happen during an eclipse. Letting go of situations that are not helping our soul journeys.
After this phase we enter a time of finding our inner power. And with this can come a time of finding people on our own level, rather than looking up to others. Finding equality. Whether this is with people we already know, family, or new friends and partnerships. And then bring in the energy of the twins of Gemini! Bringing us balance and similarities, synergies, kindred spirits!
Whether you lost someone as a role model or power figure or not, this is a time of putting faith in yourself and finding some extra independence. But also knowing you’re not alone! This moon time will help you find equals in whatever phase you are in right now.
At this new moon then I would like to promote freedom in equality and balance, harmony. I’d like to work with a circle of healing energy around ourselves, that on the one hand protects us from the mischievous energies at work this new moon, and on the other hand sends out sparkly attraction to help us find like-minded people who support us on our own level. Within this circle of energy we also grow our strength and power, and sparkly self-esteem. If you are feeling fear about your independence, this new moon is a reminder that we are not alone. Even if we have lost figures from our lives, or people who were always there for us before. We have the sparkly joyous power within to continue on in search of our dreams.
With this sparkly star light energy I will be working with the starry skies. And bringing in extra golden energy with dark blue, indigo and golden Dumortierite crystals, sodalite, lapis lazuli and pyrite. There is a dreamy element to this new moon dark sparkly sky. Where without those in power hierarchically, we can start to dream more ourselves.
I would also like to work with honey, nectar and bee friendly spirits this new moon, to encourage creative Spring energies, ambition and success, before we dip into Summer. For this I will also work with honey calcite and burnt amber crystals. This will heal your solar plexus, to help with inner strength and power.
And most importantly I will be working with Geodes crystal healing, two halves of the same geode, to help you know you’re not alone, like Gemini energy is trying to tell us 💖💖
I’d love to share this Gemini moon healing with you! It is available for a week for the usual £4.99/person.
Love and twin blessings
Katy xxx
~ Live Life with Love ~
To book your healing with me, please use the following link, here:
Please select the correct amount from the drop-down menu where it says £4.99