Around the corner is the Super Full Moon in Sagittarius. This is the Strawberry moon, also known as the Honey or Rose moon! This is the second of four moons that are really big and therefore powerful, and the first of two technically super moons, July’s being the biggest!
This is the first full moon since the lunar eclipse. You may still be working through some changes that happened a month ago, though on a less intense level perhaps, I know I am! An eclipse can create ripples for a while as they do create change, and not all change occurs overnight.
This is the time to start bringing to fruition everything you’ve been manifesting and working hard on during Spring, as it is the final full moon of Spring. Summer Solstice is just around the corner!
This is a fiery moon fitting of Firebeans as Sagittarius fire sign is my star sign! This year I’ve been making a note of when the moon passes through Sagittarius as for me it usually gives me a creative boost, which I love! So I’ve been looking to this extra heightened energy of the Super Sagittarius moon with interest! It could bring us all some creative fire and opportunities to see things differently and create positive shifts.
With this in mind, I’d like to work with my original Firebeans crystal, Zincite, my fire bean! As a little reminder, the repeated drawing of the crystal tarot card for Zincite (creativity and fire) was a key factor in the creation of Firebeans healing!! See my article on this experience and more about Zincite here:
See https://wordpress.firebeans.com/what-is-a-firebean/
I would also like to work with Amber crystals for golden luscious treats energy. You know that feeling when you’ve reached your goal in something special? It’s like the Amber nectar of success! This super-positive energy will help attract success to you!
I will also be working with rich honey, fragrant beautiful roses and delicious strawberries to promote the moon energies this month for fruition, completeness and happiness.
I hope you will join me in this super moon energy! 💃✨✨ As usual this healing is just £4.99/person for one week ❤
With love and Spring energy
Katy xxx
~ Live Life with Love ~
To book your healing with me, please use the following link here:
Please select the correct amount from the drop-down menu where it says £4.99
Thank you Katy for all your Crystal heslings and energy work you have provided to me over the years..You have been gentle..Caring ..Loving .Non judgemental ..very supportive and a beautiful soul..
I have really valued the services you have
recommended helps to clear unwanted
energies ..
The service provided is 110.% for
Value and overall services provided
Katy is a Goddess Thank you for serving us and helping us move forward to the light …
God Bless you and your ways…