Friday 13th and a Full Micro Moon

It’s set to be a scary, spooky and emotional night! Beware! ✨

Such a rare night ~ Friday 13th and a Full moon.

But it’s not just any old full moon, tonight’s is the Harvest Moon, a micro moon and the moon is in Pisces. All these things together suggest things may go bump in the night, there may be a lot of superstition, sensitivity, and spooky things going on, plus it is a highly emotional time, a time of letting go, unburdening… It is a time of Truth, discovering untruths. It could be a confusing and challenging time for many.

Don’t forget to do your FREE energy check to help your day/night be not so unlucky, to clear any spooky spirits from yourself, your home or work place!! And to help you let go and move forwards in your soul journey as we head into Autumn.

Spooky Blessings

Latest Research ~ The Thyroid Gland

I spend a lot of time researching, it’s SO very important to keep learning…

These past few days I’ve been looking into the thyroid, and undiagnosed cases of underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) and overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism). It’s pretty scandalous what I’m seeing, and massively so in the United Kingdom – worse here than even America! Sooooooo many people suffering from severe symptoms and not being treated by their GPs, being turned away and told “it’s all in your head”, “take these antidepressants and stop asking questions!!”. Why? Yes why indeed! And this is what I am looking into. And what to do about it. How to stop suffering and get much needed help. It is such a dangerous condition to have left untreated. It’s really got my blood boiling… so I’m keeping some calming Blue Lace Agate crystal at my side while I read and learn and think….

I expect I may post more on this issue as it is early days in my reading. But I send healing vibes and Blessings to everyone suffering in the dark, in silence. You are not alone xx

New Moon Drama!

One of the things I’ve become distinctly aware of over recent years is the mighty effect of the moon. Now first I picked up on how much of an effect the full moon can have on people (and animals, and our homes!) But as time has gone by, as many moons pass, I have noticed it’s not just full moon times that affect us, but other moon phases. Now of course this is nothing new, people have been saying this since ancient times 😉 but it is only recently that this has really started to resonate a lot with me. Hence blogging about it now.

And in paying closer attention to moon cycles and my own life and healing others, as my work has shifted over the years to see global patterns of change, common behaviours happening at once, I have been starting to piece more and more of these patterns together with moon shifts and cycles.

Currently we are heading here into a New Moon, we are just 2 days away from the New Moon. There feels to be an odd energy shift taking place as a result. Some shocks are coming out around the world, people opening up to being different to how they’ve been behaving, an unmasking of negativity… Just be mindful of this in those around you over the next couple of days and take care to stay in balance and keep a level head, being aware that the moon is affecting many people.

Now is a good time for private meditation rather than too much interaction and social activities

Many Blessings and Peace to you all at this time as you read this ♡