So now is a point on the 8th of the 8th when the annual Lions gate portal is open and at its peak of energy.
Here is a great time to be open to manifesting your dreams, making things happen, getting creative!
It is also a time of receiving downloads from above and the best way to be open to these is with, well, openness! Help your energies be clear and feel your connection to earth and the universe and you may receive some startling and exciting new information, realisations, from the cosmos!
Healing can help you be open to these revelations with Joy energies, sparkly citrine crystal and lapis lazuli. Relaxation helps bring in more access to the cosmic forces, so a little grounding is recommended too, with crystals like hematite and red jasper.
If you feel you are having trouble focusing in on these universal forces, try some amethyst for meditation as well 💎😊
I’d love to offer some healing for this energy that is around right now. The lions gate portal is open until 12th.
I am offering healing for £4.99/person for the remainder of the lions gate portal time.
Love and gentle roaring blessings
Katy xxx
~ Live Life with Love ~
To book your healing with me, please use either of the following links here:
Please select the correct amount from the drop-down menu where it says £4.99♡♡♡